Credit cards are very convenient to use, however they attract high-interest rates. With interest rates trekking upwards, you can expect your credit card rate to also increase. If you have a credit card balance, this…
Browsing CategoryInvesting Strategies
Best way to pay yourself first
Don’t have enough Money to Invest? Let us change That. Do you feel like you never have enough money to invest? What If I told you, you do and it all starts with how you look…
How to beat Inflation by Investing
Let’s talk about inflation and what it means for your money. Inflation occurs when the price of goods and services increases. You have probably noticed the increase in your supermarket bill. The change in your bill isn’t…
Get Ready to buy
Global stock markets took a hit last week as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continued to weigh on equities. Stock markets recorded their biggest decline in more than a year. The Nasdaq index which…
Welcome back from your Staycation
It’s time to make money. The markets enter the New Year in a great mood. Strategists are rocking 5,000-plus calls for year-end S&P 500 targets. What pandemic (said tongue-in-cheek)? Profit estimates by analysts remain on…
Money Strategies to leave in 2021
As the year draws to a close you may find yourself reflecting on some of the decisions you made in 2021. As you look back on a year that was no doubt riddled with highs…
Retail Recovery blazing amid Inflation Logistics Worry
Despite consumer confidence being at a 10 year low, data show that Americans are still in the shopping mood especially as the holiday season approaches. The Commerce Department reported recently that retail sales went up…
Mind your Business – 5 big financial mistakes that business owners make
5 big financial mistakes that business owners make – Note that your business’ credit score differs from your personal credit score and in order to seek finances for your business in the future, you need…
Wasted time is more precious than wasted money
Do you see yourself in this story? You show up to work everyday and you put your all into your job or your business. You are good at what you do and your colleagues recognize…
How important is geographical diversification when investing?
We all grew up hearing the old saying “never put all your eggs in one basket.” Back in the day, I would hide my little savings all over the house, and even in the backyard,…