Credit cards are very convenient to use, however they attract high-interest rates. With interest rates trekking upwards, you can expect your credit card rate to also increase. If you have a credit card balance, this…
Volatility and The Market
If you’ve been in the investment market for the past two years, it’s not difficult to see how the current stock market conditions could be perceived as unusual. But for those who’ve dabbled in equities…
Best way to pay yourself first
Don’t have enough Money to Invest? Let us change That. Do you feel like you never have enough money to invest? What If I told you, you do and it all starts with how you look…
How to beat Inflation by Investing
Let’s talk about inflation and what it means for your money. Inflation occurs when the price of goods and services increases. You have probably noticed the increase in your supermarket bill. The change in your bill isn’t…
Get Ready to buy
Global stock markets took a hit last week as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic continued to weigh on equities. Stock markets recorded their biggest decline in more than a year. The Nasdaq index which…
Yesterday’s Market is not Today’s Market
When it comes to the stock market it’s true that “present gain is no indication of future outcome”. In fact, this is true about any market in a capitalist society. Markets are driven by a…
Inflation rising rates and the federal reserve could whip stocks around in the week ahead
The bond market could again set the course for the week ahead after rapidly rising interest rates gave stocks a choppy start to the new year. In the coming week, key inflation reports are expected,…
Welcome back from your Staycation
It’s time to make money. The markets enter the New Year in a great mood. Strategists are rocking 5,000-plus calls for year-end S&P 500 targets. What pandemic (said tongue-in-cheek)? Profit estimates by analysts remain on…
Apple has become the world’s first $3 Trillion Company
New York (CNN Business)-Apple has reached yet another major milestone. The iPhone maker topped a market value of $3 trillion Monday — the first publicly-traded company ever to be worth that much. Shares of Apple…
Lessons from Last week’s Market Sell-off
The S&P 500 pulled back in what was a very volatile week, as investors attempted to price in the potential impact of the Omicron COVID variant and commentary from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell that…